Life at Punahou
Student Services

College Counseling

List of 1 items.

College Counseling

Punahou seeks to provide both students and parents with the best information on college choices and admission requirements to aid in the application process.

All Juniors attend College Guidance during the first semester. Our intent is to make the student as knowledgeable about post-secondary educational opportunities as possible.

An extensive exploratory college conference is scheduled during the second semester for each junior. While a comprehensive report is sent home to parents following the conference, we encourage parents to attend the individual college conferences. Early in the senior year, a follow-up conference may be held to expedite college planning and application procedures.

Punahou college counselors maintain a collegial relationship with the administrative and admission officers of local and mainland colleges and universities. Academy deans and college counselors frequently visit colleges which have major appeal for Punahou students to maintain a close working association and improve communication about our applicants. These visits often include talks with alumni who are enrolled in college about their college choices, courses and activities.


List of 7 events.

  • Apr


    Offered at Punahou
  • Apr

    College Counseling: Athletics at the Next Level

    Thurston Memorial Chapel

    An event designed for prospective student-athletes who aspire to play intercollegiate athletics. Parents/Guardians are welcome.

    Registration coming soon.
  • Apr

    Federal/Military Academy and ROTC Scholarship Night

    Cornuelle Lecture Hall in Mamiya Science Center

    Learn about various Service Academies, ROTC programs, Congressional Nominations, and more. Free and open to the public.
  • May


    Offered at Punahou
  • Jun


    Not offered at Punahou
  • Jun


    Not offered at Punahou
  • Jul


    Not offered at Punahou
View All Events

College Counseling Journey

Grades 9 and 10

Building the wa‘a: The foundation

  • Develop sound study habits.
  • Take courses which increase appropriately in difficulty each year.
  • Focus on the core subjects (English, Language, Math, Science, Social Studies).
  • This positions every student to follow multiple post-high school paths.
  • Academy schedule helps students learn to manage their free time and improve study habits.
  • Participate in extracurricular activities that dovetail with their interests.
  • Reflect more on their role in the community.
    [Am I learning what it means to do my best? Am I the kind of student / friend / teammate that I hope to be?]
  • 10th graders take the PSAT/NMSQT in October.
  • Brief college counseling presentations at Grade 9 Information Session & Planning for 11th Grade.

Grade 11

Preparations: Acquiring tools and skills

  • First semester College Guidance course designed to empower students to navigate their personal plans and covers admissions factors, college match, college research, & self-reflection.
  • College admissions representative presentations at Punahou.
  • Financial Aid presentation to families.
  • College Guidance Information Session evening presentation for junior families.
  • 11th graders take the PSAT/NMSQT in October.
  • 11th graders register for the SAT/ACT.
  • College Previews program with Punahou alumni.
  • Second semester Junior Conference with the family allows for a student-led discussion of their plans including college match, transcript review, standardized testing plan, college research criteria, financial aid.
  • College workshops for students on various topics related to college admissions and preparing for applications.

Grade 12

Setting sail: The application process

  • First semester Senior Conference allows the student to confidently launch their admissions process with a focus on the mechanics of applications, timelines, deadlines, process, and the various application materials.
  • Financial Aid presentation to families.
  • Fall College Application Information Session evening presentation for senior families.
  • College admissions representative presentations at Punahou.
  • College workshops to allow students work-time on different application platforms, the personal essay, preparing for an interview, financial aid and scholarships, and more.
  • Walk-in/Check-in appointments with college counselors for individualized support.
  • College Previews program with Punahou alumni.
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