Our Mission and Values

Inspired by the powerful words of Mary Kawena Pukui, a teacher at Punahou during the 1930s, our Mission is a response in the voice of our students and an expression of the timeless values we share as children of the new spring.

“This school shall be a Spring of Wisdom.

As the hala tree stands firm through wind or storm, so shall the children of this school stand strong and brave through joy and sorrow. And just as the hala tree has many uses, so shall these children be useful to Hawai‘i.”

Mary Kawena Pukui
Hawaiian scholar, author, Punahou educator

Our Mission

We are children of Ka Punahou, the new spring.

From under the hala tree, we weave a mat that seats many, our home to dream and discover our purpose and kuleana to Hawai‘i and the world.

Our Values

Children of the New Spring

We develop spiritual and ethical values that affirm the worth and dignity of everyone, inspired by our Hawaiian and Christian heritage.

Dream and Discover

We inspire a love for learning, innovation, and exploration from kindergarten through life, empowering all to discover their gifts and passions.

Purpose and Kuleana

We commit to personal responsibility and kuleana as central tenets of our larger public purpose to create a just, compassionate, and sustainable world.

A Mat That Seats Many

We welcome all to realize the full expression of themselves, knowing that our differences are our source of strength.

Hawai‘i and the World

We honor our many communities and unique kuana‘ike while embracing the entire world as our home.

Punahou’s renewed Mission and Values statements reflect a yearlong process of listening to our students, faculty, staff, families, and alumni, who shared with us their perspectives about Punahou and its future. View the video and story below to learn more about this process.
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