Discipline at Punahou is meant to be fair and enable students to develop sound judgment. Students who violate Punahou’s Code of Conduct, policies or expectations of citizenship will face consequences for their actions. Faculty and administration will enforce the school’s disciplinary process with students who demonstrate inappropriate behavior.
Disciplinary jurisdiction is normally restricted to the Punahou campus, its immediate environs and the location of any official school function (e.g., athletic contests, social events and extracurricular activities). Jurisdiction may be extended beyond the boundaries of the school and the school day when, in the judgment of the administration, student misbehavior puts other Punahou students or members of the Punahou community at risk.
Academic/Citizenship Dismissal
Although very rare, sometimes a pattern of behavior does not lend itself to the discipline process. Students whose pattern of conduct is determined to be troublesome to others and intractable may be dismissed at the end of the school year.
Note: Families of students who are enrolled in Punahou and are withdrawn or dismissed prior to the end of the year remain liable for payment of tuition and fees for the full academic year.
Appeals Process
An appeal of serious disciplinary actions may be made to the principal and the president. This provision cautions, however, that disciplinary actions are generally upheld on appeal unless there is a showing of mitigating circumstances or evidence that was not presented to the school during the disciplinary process for good reason, and that the decision of the president is final.