Case Accelerator for Student Entrepreneurship

Student Showcases

Student Entrepreneur Showcases

Celebrating Innovation, Creativity, and Impact

Student Entrepreneur Showcases are signature events of the Case Accelerator for Student Entrepreneurship, providing a platform for students to present their ventures, share their journeys, and inspire their community. These showcases highlight the entrepreneurial spirit of Punahou students and their dedication to creating meaningful impact through innovative projects.

It is so important for student entrepreneurs to be able to showcase their work to their own community and to learn authentically right here on campus. It helps to:

  • Build confidence
  • Validate their business ideas
  • Develop communication skills through talking to customers
  • Practice being comfortable being uncomfortable 
  • Encourages collaboration within the community of student entrepreneurs
  • Learn how to think quickly and improvise
  • Motivate students to achieve more
  • Develop resilience since not every customer is going to like their product(s)
  • Create accountability
Showcasing all kinds of work — art, writing, science projects, music recitals, coding projects, sports achievements, or entrepreneurial ventures — inherently calls for students to take a risk and require vulnerability. The act of transforming private work into a public artifact makes work more tangible and rewarding. 

In entrepreneurship, sharing your work is especially important as you literally cannot validate your ideas without an audience.

In the past, students have showcased their work at the annual Aloha United Way fundraiser, Flaming P, the PFA Holiday Sale, and other events on campus.
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