
Alumni Week FAQs

General Questions

List of 9 frequently asked questions.

  • When can I register for Alumni Week?

    Early bird registration opens March 13 and closes March 23, 2025. During this window, tickets to Alumni Lu‘au are discounted to $35, max two tickets. Registration continues until April 24, 2025. Modifications to your personal itinerary cannot be made after April 24 and refunds will no longer be offered. Some events and activities, including Alumni Lu‘au, are limited in capacity and filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. We recommend you register early.
  • My plans have changed and I can no longer attend Alumni Week. Can I get a refund?

    Full refunds are available through April 24, 2025. You can modify your registration online or contact the Alumni Relations office at 808.945.1351 for assistance. Once registration closes on April 24, there are no refunds.
  • Are guests allowed at Alumni Week events?

    Some events are for reunioning classmates only. Other events allow for guests, including children. Please see the event descriptions in your Reunion packet or online registration for details on guest capacity and age requirements.
  • I didn’t register on time. Can I come anyway?

    For Class events, check first with your Class Activity chair by sending a direct message to your activity chair via Ka ‘Ohana Punahou. A list of Class committee members can be found on the Alumni Week registration page. If there is room, you may be able to walk in and pay at the door. For School-sponsored events, please call the Alumni Relations office at 808.945.1351 or email Unfortunately, some events fill up quickly and may not be open to walk-ins.
  • Does Punahou provide hotel room blocks?

    Punahou has negotiated exclusive rate codes for Punahou alumni from a range of hotel chains. To view discounted rates, click here
  • I’m not celebrating a milestone Reunion this year. Can I still attend?

    The 2025 Alumni Week honors alumni in classes ending in 0 and 5. If you are not in one of these classes, we invite you to attend school-sponsored events that are open to all classes: Punahou Alumni Association Awards Ceremony on Tuesday, June 3; Alumni Week Chapel on Thursday, June 5; and E Ho‘i Mai: Alumni Celebration on Thursday, June 5.
  • Who is responsible for planning Alumni Week?

    Your Class committee has been tirelessly working since August 2024. Committee members meet monthly to plan events, activities and coordinate your Class Gift. If you are interested in joining the next reunion committee, please keep an eye out for more information in summer 2029.
  • I didn’t receive any information on Reunion either by email or postal mail. Why not?

    It’s important that you keep your contact information updated in order to receive Reunion news. To update your contact information, log in to Ka ‘Ohana Punahou and update your personal profile. You can also email for assistance.
  • My classmates told me I’m “lost.” What does that mean?

    Punahou considers you “lost” if we do not have a valid physical mailing address on file for you. To update your contact information, log in to Ka ‘Ohana Punahou and update your personal profile.

Alumni Lu‘au Questions

List of 18 frequently asked questions.

  • Will you send my tickets in the mail?

    This year, we will distribute wristbands on the day of Lu‘au. Please pick them up during Class photos at the wristband tent located between Old School and Mamiya halls. After 6 p.m., remaining wristbands will be transferred to the Information booth on Lower Field. The wristband reserves your seat under the tent; the tab on the wristband is your dinner ticket… so don’t pull it off!
  • What time should I arrive? When and where is my Class Photo?

    Please refer to the Class Photo schedule below.

    Class YearTimeLocationDate
    19654:30 p.m.Pauahi HallSaturday, June 7
    19704:00 p.m.Pauahi HallSaturday, June 7
    19752:15 p.m.Dillingham Hall stepsSaturday, June 7
    19804:45 p.m.Pauahi HallSaturday, June 7
    19854:15 p.m.Pauahi HallSaturday, June 7
    19904:30 p.m.Dillingham Hall stepsSaturday, June 7
    19954 p.m.Dillingham Hall stepsSaturday, June 7
    20004:15 p.m.Dillingham Hall stepsSaturday, June 7
    20054:45 p.mDillingham Hall stepsSaturday, June 7
    20105 p.m.Pauahi HallSaturday, June 7
    20155 p.m.Dillingham Hall stepsSaturday, June 7
    20205:15 p.mPauahi HallSaturday, June 7
    20255:15 p.m.Dillingham Hall stepsSaturday, June 7

    *Kupuna classes (1945, 1950, 1955, 1960) will have photos taken at the Kupuna Lu‘au.
  • What time does the seating open?

    Seating opens at 4 p.m. The lu‘au program begins at approximately 5:15 p.m. when the 50th Class of 1975 makes their grand entrance into the tent.
  • Where can I park?

    Please enter Punahou through the Upper Manoa Gate. Security will direct you to parking. If you require special assistance and have a handicap placard, please inform Security. If you have a parking pass, please display it on your dashboard and follow the instructions on the pass so Security or valets can direct you to the appropriate parking lot.
  • If I use a rideshare service, where can I be dropped off?

    You can instruct your driver to enter from Upper Manoa Gate.
  • What is included with my Lu‘au registration?

    Your registration includes a traditional Hawaiian plate with kalua pig, squid lu‘au, poke, lomilomi salmon, sweet potato, poi, haupia and pineapple. The traditional slow-cooked kalua pig is prepared by the famous Imu Gang Emeritus of alumni volunteers in the School’s imu on Atherton Track. Side dishes are prepared in-house by Dole Hall cafeteria staff. Vegetarian options, pupu, beer, wine, soft drinks and water will be available for purchase.
  • Does the bar accept credit cards?

    Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages can be purchased directly from the bar with Apple Pay, Google Pay and credit cards. Cash will not be accepted at the bar. Drink scrip will no longer be needed to purchase beverages.
  • Is the Alumni Lu‘au BYOB?

    No, please leave your coolers and containers at home. Our bar offers a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages for purchase. Attendees with outside refreshments will be asked to put them away.
  • What attire is appropriate for the Lu‘au?

    Aloha attire, preferably in buff ’n blue, is always appropriate. The Lu‘au is held outdoors on Chamberlain (Lower) Field. We suggest wearing flat or thick-heeled shoes. Weather in Manoa is always changing, so prepare for warm temperatures or possible rain.
  • Where do I get my name badge?

    Your Reunion Committee will have your name badge. If you did not receive your name badge at an earlier Alumni Week event, please look for your activity chairperson at the Class table.
  • I’d like to buy some Punahou merchandise. Will the Buff ’n Blue Store be open?

    Yes! A pop-up store will be set up on the Dillingham Hall mauka lanai.
  • Are children allowed at Alumni Lu‘au?

    Alumni Lu‘au is an adults-only event. Seats are limited to ticketed guests only, however, just like the airlines, lap children are allowed if they do not occupy an additional seat.
  • How can I view which Alumni Week events I registered for?

    Your personalized agenda will be emailed to you in late May. We recommend you save your registration confirmation email to view or modify your agenda. Changes can be made until April 24, 2025.
  • Is there a way to see which of my classmates are attending Alumni Week?

    Yes. Attendees who have opted in will have their name displayed on the event registration page.
  • Can I bring a guest if I didn’t register them?

    A: Unfortunately, we are not allowing walk-in guests at Alumni Lu‘au or events with limited capacity.
  • Is there assigned seating at Alumni Lu‘au?

    Attendees are seated at Reunion Class tables. If you are bringing a guest, you will both be placed on your Reunion Class table. Guests are not allowed to sit at other Class tables.
  • Are pets allowed at Alumni Lu‘au?

    No. We love our pets too, but they are not allowed on Punahou’s campus. Service animals are welcome.
  • I have additional questions. Who do I contact for help?

    Please email or call the Alumni office at 808.945.1351.
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