Calendar of Events

Variety Show: 24,000 Leagues Under the Sea

Watch the very special premiere of “24,000 Leagues Under the Sea”! Hosted by James Coral, we'll introduce you to a wonderful cast of the film including ... Wait! What's this? Our stars(fish) are missing! We'll need the help of the very best minds of the Great Barrier Reef to explore the depths of the ocean and find our missing stars(fish).

Showtimes: 1 p.m and 5 p.m. Runtime approx. 50 Minutes.

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The Punahou Variety Show is a decades-old tradition showcasing the immense talents of the senior class and adding to the splendor of Carnival. Seniors play an integral part not only in performing but also in writing, graphic design, costume construction, set construction, choreography, and stage management.
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