Calendar of Events

Grades 2 – 3 Back-to-School Night* (for parents/guardians)

Kosasa Community for Grades 2 – 5

Please enter campus through upper Mānoa Gate. Parking will be available along Piper‘s Pali. Please ask a security guard for guidance if needed. After you park your vehicle, please enter our Kosasa Community through the 2-5 dropoff area.
We look forward to welcoming parents and/or guardians to this special night hosted by your child’s teachers. Sorry, children are not invited to this event.

Your schedule for the evening:
6 – 6:25 p.m. – Specialist Teacher Drop In
View Back-to-School Night Specials' Location Map

6:30 – 7:30 p.m. – Homeroom Presentations

*Please note that Kumu Tabori's class will have their back-to-school night on Monday, August 26, 6 – 7 p.m.
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