Design Technology and Engineering

K – Grade 5

Design Technology & Engineering
Our Design Technology class is a play-based, hands-on program that provides students with curricular opportunities to explore materials, learn technical skills, develop empathy, perseverance and problem-solving mindsets; all while acquiring foundational skills in fabrication, computer science, the design process and Social Emotional Ethical Learning (SEEL).  Every DT experience teaches fundamental engineering and technology skills while encouraging creativity, collaboration and lots of fun!

List of 4 items.

  • Lab Safety

    Lab safety training is a critical component in our safety protocol system for the Kosasa Design Labs. The students receive important instructions on lab safety and tool use. After completing a series of safety lessons, they are required to demonstrate that they can safely and effectively operate the tools in the labs.
  • Fabrication

    Fabrication learning experiences use multifaceted experiences to help students learn the skills and processes needed to make their ideas into a reality. Students learn how to build and design using proper tools/machines, cardboard attachment techniques, CAD, electronics and the application of the Design Thinking process. Projects become more complex as the children get older, building confidence in their abilities to design, create and build.
  • Computer Science

    Students develop critical thinking and problem solving skills through their participating in computer science learning experiences. The lessons progress from participating in unplugged activities to solving puzzles, writing code and designing their own unique games and projects. Fundamental computer science concepts are covered such as understanding algorithms, sequencing, debugging, planning, loops, conditionals statements and many more. Robotics is also integrated as the children apply their coding skills to program a variety of robots. Block based coding is introduced in the younger grades and the students are transitioned to text based programming as their skills and knowledge increase.
  • Engineering

    Engineering concepts and skills are woven throughout the learning experiences in our courses. Students learn about the different genres of engineering and the role engineering plays in building and maintaining our communities. Students participate in projects that require them to use engineering skills and critical thinking and their own creativity to solve problems. They manipulate and assemble materials that require them to apply their knowledge of simple machines, mechanical systems and electrical circuits.
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