Wo International Center

Wo International Center serves as a beacon for educational practices, discussions and learning through a global perspective.

The Center supports programs, curriculum and pedagogy to promote globally competent learners who know their world, skillfully interact with their world, and have a disposition for action.

Global Curriculum and Instruction

List of 3 items.

  • Global Curriculum and Instruction

    Global curriculum and instruction, in partnership with global programs, provide opportunities for students to build connections and help shape a better world. The knowledge, skills, and dispositions of a globally competent graduate are laid out in the Punahou Global Competence Framework.
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  • Language Programs

    Language learning is an important element throughout the K – 12 curriculum because it allows students the opportunity to gain an appreciation for other cultures and an awareness of what makes us unique. We are all part of an increasingly global community where self-awareness, cultural understanding, tolerance, and flexibility are essential attributes for success. Wo Center supports the K-12 language program.
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  • Teacher Professional Development

    Exceptional teachers cultivate their intellectual curiosity, creativity, innovation and collaboration qualities that they also nurture and inspire in our students. At Punahou, teachers are actively encouraged to become reflective practitioners, researchers, scholars and authors, with the expectation that they will contribute meaningfully to a broader understanding of teaching and learning
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Global Programs

List of 5 items.

  • After School Language and Culture Programs

    The After School Language Program (ASLP) in Japanese, Mandarin Chinese and Hawaiian for K – 5 grade students provides a cultural and theme-based language environment that challenges students in age-appropriate ways to become capable and confident communicators through activities and play. Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, French and Spanish are also offered after school in grades 6 – 8. These programs are open to the community. Language offerings may vary each semester depending on availability.
  • Student Travel and Hosting Programs

    Punahou students in grades 5-12 may apply to participate in a travel program run through the Wo International Center. 

    There are also numerous opportunities to host a visiting student for a short-term stay.  All inbound and outbound programs offer a unique opportunity to build a global perspective and to make new friends from across the globe.

  • Student Global Leadership Institute (SGLI)

    The purpose of the Institute is to develop a community of international youth leaders who understand and are engaged in shared global challenges and who galvanize positive social change. The Institute explores leadership development characterized by creativity, a capacity for problem-solving, collaboration, communication and multicultural perspectives.

    The Institute focuses on engaging students in team-developed community service projects, addressing worldwide issues such as the environment, economics and globalization. The yearlong program includes an intensive two-week summit at Punahou School, during which students participate in workshops, discussions and field trips that help them develop social-action projects suitable for their home cities — and the collaborative style of leadership needed to carry them out.

    The next institute will be held the summer of 2024.


  • Junior or Senior Year or Semester Abroad

    To support rigorous academic study abroad, Punahou partners with certain schools to offer a diverse range of semester and yearlong study programs:

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  • Year Abroad at Punahou

    Wo International Center at Punahou School offers a Year Abroad at Punahou for international students entering their 10th or 11th year of schooling.

    • 1st graders use video messages to share about their unique communities with partners in Bangalore,

    • 5th graders use systems thinking to explore causes of native species loss.

    • 9th graders design and pitch toys that integrate the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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